
Reflection is the active ascribing of meaning. As human beings we live trying to find purpose and meaning. Many people “want to make a difference” or “be remembered”. By reflecting, assessment is made about the past where one asks, "Did I make a difference? How will I be remembered?" In practice, reflection highlights what was truly important to you. There are no right or wrong answers, only your answer.

The women of the Denton Women’s Interracial Fellowship (DWIF) did grow to love one another. One of the most common things they realized and remarked upon was the importance of the friendships they made and the solidarity that ensued. When attending public events they still have someone to sit next to. If there is a special church service they have someone to invite. This did not stop at the informal ending of the fellowship; in 2017 they still saw one another when they could. It was not just civil rights activism: relationships blossomed and memories were made. Many of the women came to the conclusion that they do not know if they personally made a difference for the greater Denton community, but they do know that the women of the group made a difference to them as individuals.

Historical memory plays an important role in shaping society. How these women acted and recollect those actions plays out in the lives of their children, friends, and even this very project. There is no better way to sum up the importance of oral history reflection, than as Alessandro Portelli does:

 "Oral sources tell us not just what people did, but what they wanted to do, what they believed they were doing and what they now think they did." - Alessandro Portelli
