Excerpt of an Oral History Interview, Billie Mohair, black resident of Denton, Texas, recollects on her experiences with the women of the Fellowship. Additionally, Mohair discusses civil rights today in the U.S.
Excerpt of an Oral History Interview, Linnie McAdams, black resident of Denton, Texas, recollects on her experiences with the women in the Fellowship. Additionally, McAdams discusses her legacy of service subsequent to the Fellowship.
Excerpt of an Oral History Interview, Linnie McAdams, black resident of Denton, Texas, recollects on her experiences with the women in the Fellowship. Additionally McAdams discusses civil rights today.
Excerpt of an Oral History Interview, Linnie McAdams, black resident of Denton, Texas, recollects on her experiences with the women in the Fellowship. Additionally, McAdams discusses civil rights today and how much farther we have to go.