Browse Items (65 total)

Mohair_Civil Rights today.mp3
Excerpt of an Oral History Interview, Billie Mohair, black resident of Denton, Texas, recollects on her experiences with the women of the Fellowship. Additionally, Mohair discusses civil rights today in the U.S.

Excerpt of an Oral History Interview, BIllie Mohair, black resident of Denton, Texas, recollects on her experiences with the women in the Fellowship.

Legacy of Service.mp3
Excerpt of an Oral History Interview, Linnie McAdams, black resident of Denton, Texas, recollects on her experiences with the women in the Fellowship. Additionally, McAdams discusses her legacy of service subsequent to the Fellowship.

Civil Rights today_2.mp3
Excerpt of an Oral History Interview, Linnie McAdams, black resident of Denton, Texas, recollects on her experiences with the women in the Fellowship. Additionally McAdams discusses civil rights today.

Civil Rights today_1.mp3
Excerpt of an Oral History Interview, Linnie McAdams, black resident of Denton, Texas, recollects on her experiences with the women in the Fellowship. Additionally, McAdams discusses civil rights today and how much farther we have to go.

AB interest in music.mp3
Excerpt of an Oral History Interview. Ann Barnett, white resident of Denton, Texas, discusses her interest in music.

Mae Nell Shephard on Registering Voters.mp3
Excerpt of an oral interview. Ms. Shephard, a black resident, talks about registering voters for the 1964 election in Denton

Mae Nell Shephard on Children and Fellowship's Impact on them.mp3
Ms. Shephard, a black resident, describes what impact the DWIF had on her children's lives

Mae Nell Shephard on Kids, Schools, and Integration.mp3
Mae Nell Shephard, a black resident, talks about her children and their experience when schools began integration

Pat Gulley Reflections.mp3
Excerpt from oral interview. Pat Gulley, a white resident, reflects on the DWIF and its impact
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