Excerpt of an Oral History Interview, Evelyn Black, white resident of Denton, Texas, on her recollections of the Brown v. Board of Education (1954), and reactions of the court case in Georgia.
Excerpt of an Oral History Interview, Evelyn Black, white citizen of Denton, Texas, on her recollections of the 2008 presidential election, and her thoughts on current activism.
Excerpt of an Oral History Interview, Evelyn Black, white resident of Denton, Texas, on her teaching experience with international students at North Texas State from the 1970s to 1990s.
Excerpt of an Oral History Interview, Evelyn Black, white resident of Denton, Texas, expresses her reaction to the 2016 presidential election, and discusses current politics.
Excerpt of an Oral History Interview, Carol Riddlesperger, white resident of Denton, Texas, recollects on her childhood in Minnesota, and beginning her college education.
Excerpt of an Oral History Interview with Carol Riddlesperger, white resident of Denton, Texas, on her experience in Sioux Falls during World War II, where she taught international mores code and met her future husband.
Except of an Oral History Interview, Carol Riddlesperger, white resident of Denton, Texas, on her recollections of moving to Texas, while her and her husband Jim continued their education at University of Texas at Austin
Excerpt of an Oral History Interview, Carol Riddlesperger, white resident of Denton, Texas, on her recollections of the Denton Women's Inter-racial Fellowship's urban renewal project, which took place in southeast Denton.