Excerpt of an Oral History Interview, Alma Clark, a black resident of Denton, Texas, about how her family has viewed her involvement with the Fellowship
Interview with Alma Clark, first-generation descendant through marriage of Quakertown residents, as part of the Quakertown Oral History Project. The interview includes Clark's personal experiences about childhood and education, marrying Rev. "Willie"…
Excerpt of an Oral History Interview. Ann Barnett, white resident of Denton, Texas, recounts her transfer from Stephen F. Austin University to North Texas State University and moving to Denton.
Excerpt of an Oral History Interview. Ann Barnett, white resident of Denton, Texas, recounts the influence of Trinity Presbyterian's pastor, Paul Young, on her community involvement.
Excerpt of an Oral History Interview. Ann Barnett, white resident of Denton, Texas, reflects on the impact that her family's church, Trinity Presbyterian, had on her children.